Earn Money By Shortening Links Online With Adf.ly

If you publish a lot of links online, follow these steps to make some money out of those links.


Step 1
Go to adf.ly From Here Adf.ly

Step 2

Sign Up for a Publisher account with their service and confirm your email

Step 3

In the shortening link section, enter any link you want and in a few seconds, It will turn into a short link.

Step 4

Share these links online (without spamming) and you will earn a bit of money when someone clicks on one of your links.


  • If you do a lot of tweeting, Use this service instead of bit.ly or whatever you use, and make some money tweeting.
  • Remember to add your information in the 'Account' Section so you can get your money.
  • In your account, You can see how many clicks you have got and where the viewers are coming from.


  • Remember to read their Terms of Service, so you know where you are allowed to share your links.
  • Do not spam your links. This will put people off clicking them.


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